Acheivement & Testing

Preliminary Reporting of Part B Provincial Achievement Tests

All students in Grades 6 and 9 write Provincial Achievement Tests in language arts, mathematics, science and social studies. There are two parts to the Provincial Achievement Tests: For Language Arts and Social Studies there is Part A, a written response and Part B is a multiple-choice exam.

You should note that no single test is able to assess everything that students learn. Therefore, the Provincial Achievement Test results are used in conjunction with other classroom assessment tools. The clearest picture of student growth and development is gained when a wide variety of assessment information is considered.

Grade Level Achievement

Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools has prepared a booklet to help parents understand Grade Level of Achievement reporting, which Alberta Education implemented in these subject areas: English Language Arts, French Language Arts (Immersion), and Mathematics. 

Guide to Provincial Achievement Tests Grades 6 and 9

The Parent Guide to Provincial Achievement Testing is available on line at:

The PAT program is conducted at Grades 6, and 9. Parents and teachers of those grades should review the above site. As well you will find Achievement Test General Information Bulletins and Subject Bulletins. These documents are available to everyone but would be of particular interest to teachers.

Education Assurance Measure Results

Alberta Education Assurance Measure Results And Greater St. Albert Catholic School Division Assurance Surveys

Alberta Education and Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools are continually striving to improve the quality of education for students. Your input about and continued support for the programs at your child's school are important to us. Over the past years the information parents/guardians have shared with us, through surveys administered by Alberta Education (Education Assurance Measures) and our own jurisdiction assurance surveys, has helped us to make informed decisions about programming and services for all students.