Board of Trustees Electoral Ward Boundary Review

Outcome of the Board of Trustees Electoral Ward Boundary Review

The Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools' Board of Trustees has finalized its Electoral Ward Boundary Review following a thoughtful process that included community engagement.

Final Decision:
At a special public board meeting on November 7, 2024, the Board approved Option A as the new electoral ward structure. This decision maintains a seven-trustee structure with:

  • 5 Trustees representing Ward 1 (St. Albert)
  • 2 Trustees representing Ward 2 (combined Morinville and Legal)

Other Options Considered:
The Board reviewed other options but did not select them:

  • Option B: Reduce to 6 trustees (4 in St. Albert, 2 in Morinville/Legal).
  • Option C: Reduce to 6 trustees (5 in St. Albert, 1 in Morinville/Legal).
  • Maintain Status Quo: Retain the current 7-trustee structure and boundaries.

Reason for the Review:
This review, mandated by the Government of Alberta every four years, ensures electoral boundaries reflect demographic and geographic changes, supporting equitable representation across the Division.

Thank you to all who participated and shared their input during this process.

Electoral Ward Boundary Review Report
The following Electoral Ward Boundary Review Report was completed by an external consultant. Click here to review the report.

Background Information

Welcome to the Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools' Ward Boundary Review page.

The Board of Trustees is reviewing its ward boundaries to ensure fair and effective representation for all communities in our Division. This review helps maintain equitable representation for over 90,000 residents in the three wards of St. Albert, Morinville, and Legal.

We invite you to participate by attending a public meeting or completing the survey below in the section "Ways to get involved." Your feedback will help the Board decide whether to keep or change the current boundaries.

This review focuses on trustee electoral boundaries, not school attendance zones. It considers population balance, equitable representation, community identity, and compliance with the Education Act. If passed by December 31 of the year before the election, any changes will occur in the next general election.

For more information about the Ward Boundary Review, please visit our FAQ section below or contact us directly at We encourage you to stay engaged in this important process as we work to ensure that our Trustee representation meets the needs of our growing and changing communities.

Your voice is a vital part of this conversation, and we thank you for your continued support in shaping the future of Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools.

Ward Review Options

Review Options:

Principles of Representation

In scenarios with seven trustees and a population of 90,303 residents, the average representation would be approximately 12,900 residents per trustee. The generally accepted range for representation is targeted at +/-25% of 12,900 residents per trustee. 

In scenarios with six trustees and a population of 90,303 residents, the average representation would be approximately 15,050 residents per trustee. The generally accepted range for representation is targeted at +/-25% of 15,050 residents per trustee. 

Click here to view the current ward maps.

Ward 1 - St. Albert and Area

Ward 2 - Morinville and Area

Ward 3 - Legal and Area

Maintain the Status Quo (7 trustees with 3 wards)

  • This option preserves the current structure of 7 trustees representing 3 wards.
  • The existing ward boundaries would remain unchanged.
  • This option ensures stability and continuity in representation without any adjustments to the ward structure.
Ward (number of Trustees) Population 2024 Population per Trustee Compared to an average of 12,900 population/trustee In the -/+ 25% zone (9,675 to 16,125)?
Ward 1 (4) 74,430 18,607 +5,707 No
Ward 2 (2) 13,844 6,922 -5,978 No
Ward 3 (1) 2,029 2,029 -10,871 No

Option A: 7 Trustees (5 trustees in one ward, 2 trustees in another ward)

  • This option retains the current total of 7 trustees.
  • It maintains a structure where 5 trustees serve one ward, and 2 trustees serve the other ward.
Ward (number of Trustees) Population 2024 Population per Trustee Compared to an average of 12,900 population/trustee In the -/+ 25% zone (9,675 to 16,125)?
Ward 1 (5) 74,430 14,886 +1,986 Yes
Ward 2 and 3 (2) 15,873 7,936 -4,964 No

Option B: 6 Trustees (4 trustees in one ward, 2 trustees in another ward)

  • Reduces the number of trustees to 6.
  • Each trustee would represent approximately 15,050 residents.
  • The ward boundaries would be adjusted, with 4 trustees representing one ward and 2 trustees representing the other.
Ward (number of Trustees) Population 2024 Population per Trustee Compared to an average of 15,050 population/trustee In the -/+ 25% zone (11,287 to 18,812)?
Ward 1 (4) 74,730 18,607 +3,557 Yes
Ward 2 and 3 (2) 15,873 7,936 -7,114 No

Option C: 6 Trustees (5 trustees in one ward, 1 trustee in another ward)

  • Reduces the number of trustees to 6.
  • Adjusts the boundaries so that 5 trustees represent one ward, and the remaining 1 trustee represents another.
Ward (number of Trustees) Population 2024 Population per Trustee Compared to an average of 15,050 population/trustee In the -/+ 25% zone (11,287 to 18,812)?
Ward 1 (5) 74,430 14,886 -164 Yes
Ward 2 and 3 (1) 15,873 15,873 +823 Yes

If the Board decides to make changes to the current ward boundaries, the changes will go into effect for the October 2025 election.

You have an important voice in informing this decision.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this engagement opportunity.

Ways to Get Involved

Public Engagement: Your Voice Matters

We seek input from students, families, staff, and community members to ensure that trustee representation best serves the needs of all communities in our division. Your feedback is crucial as we consider the following:

  • Should the current ward boundaries be adjusted to reflect population changes?
  • How can we ensure equitable Trustee representation for all communities?
  • Are there unique geographic or community considerations that should be taken into account?

We invite you to share your thoughts through several public engagement opportunities outlined below. All input collected through these channels will help the Board make informed decisions regarding the possible restructuring of Trustee wards.

Online Survey: Please participate in our online survey, which will help us understand your priorities regarding Trustee representation and ward boundaries. The survey closes at midnight on Oct. 31st, 2024.

Community Engagement Sessions: Attend one of our upcoming community engagement sessions to share your thoughts in person and learn more about the options being considered.

St. Albert
Wednesday, October 23, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Division Services Centre (Father Jan Site)
15 Mission Avenue, St. Albert

Thursday, October 24, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Legal School
5122 46 St. Legal

Tuesday, October 29, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Morinville Community High School
9506 100 Avenue, Morinville


Why Are We Reviewing Ward Boundaries?

The Education Act requires school boards to periodically assess and, if necessary, adjust ward boundaries to ensure proportional representation. As populations in our communities grow and change, the number of students and residents within each ward can shift significantly, potentially impacting the balance of representation. The goal of this review is to examine the current ward structure and ensure that Trustee representation reflects the needs of our diverse communities across Legal, Morinville, St. Albert, and the surrounding areas.

Why is the Review Important?

Why is the Review Important? The concept of representation by population is sought in the Board of Trustees electoral wards to ensure that all communities within the Division are represented equitably. In accordance with the Education Act, a bylaw determining ward boundaries must, if practicable, ensure that the number of trustees elected in each ward is proportionate to the population of that ward relative to the total population of the school division. This means that larger communities have a correspondingly larger voice in governance while smaller communities are still represented fairly. By striving for proportional representation, the Board aims to maintain a balanced approach, giving all students, families, and stakeholders an equal opportunity for their voices to be heard in decisions that affect the entire Division. This equitable representation is crucial for effective decision-making and for upholding the principles of fairness and inclusion across our diverse communities.

Timeline for Review

Timeline for Review

  • Public Consultation: October 2024
  • Draft Proposal Review: November 2024
  • Final Bylaw Submission to Minister: Before December 31, 2024

The new ward boundaries, if adopted, will be implemented in time for the next Trustee election, which will occur in Fall 2025.

Next Steps

Once the consultation period is complete, the Board of Trustees will review all the feedback and determine if changes to the current ward boundaries are required. If a change is recommended, a bylaw will be prepared and submitted to the Minister of Education for approval.