Approved School Fee Schedules for 2024-25
As linked below, fees listed on the Approved School Fee Schedules are MAXIMUMS per student and may be charged at the start of the school year or intermittently during the year. The total charge for the entire year for any listed fee must not exceed the MAXIMUM amount noted on the schedule. A fee not listed on the schedule cannot be charged in the current school year.
The Board approved the school fees/schedules for the 2024-2025 school year at its Regular Board Meeting on April 22, 2024. Approved fees will be posted on RYCOR as they become required for payment. Parents can expect the Start-Up Fees to be available sometime during the month of September 2024, and other fees will be added throughout the year before the activities or optional courses begin.
Note: Schools may have the same fees with different amounts posted. Situations vary from school to school; some fees may be subsidized in one school and not in another.
School & Transportation Fees Regulations
School Fees Regulation
The School Fees Regulation requires school boards to establish policies and procedures respecting the charging of school fees. These policies and procedures must include a requirement to consult with parents and a process for parents to follow regarding a request that school fees be waived. Fee policies, schedules, and increases do not require Ministerial approval.
Transportation Regulation
The School Transportation Regulation sets out the requirements respecting student and early childhood services transportation. The regulation permits boards to charge fees for both eligible and ineligible students. The regulation requires school boards that are charging fees to create fee policies that include the maintenance of financial statements, the need to charge the fees, dispute resolution, and the process to request a fee waiver or fee refund. The regulation also requires school boards that are charging fees to publish their fee policies on their website. Fee schedules and increases do not require Ministerial approval.