Bus Cancellation
How to Cancel Your Child’s Busing?
Please note cancellations cannot be completed verbally. All cancellations must be in writing to the Division Transportation Department using the Parent Portal forms.
If at any time you wish to cancel the busing for your child. Please follow the instructions below to complete your cancellation of busing services.
Fees will not be adjusted without the Bus Cancellation form being submitted and the bus pass being returned to the transportation department, even if your child has never ridden the bus.
Step 1. Complete and submit the Online Bus Cancellation form in Parent Portal
Step 2. Return your child’s bus pass to the school office to return to Transportation
Please note: notification of cancellation can only be considered once the above 2 steps have been completed.
The notification of a bus driver or the child not riding the bus or not scanning does not
constitute cancellation and will not result in a reduction of fees or a refund.
Will I receive a refund?
Full months remaining in the school year MAY be refunded however, NO refunds will be processed after January 31st. of any given school year.
After cancellation is completed transportation will evaluate if the student is eligible for a refund or reduction of the fees assigned to your child’s PowerSchool Parent Portal online account and notification will be sent in writing of the confirmation of cancellation.