Present to The Board of Trustees
Public Delegations are welcome at regular meetings relating to educational matters. Representations and delegations on any subject pertinent to Board business must be placed on the agenda prior to the meeting. A written request for an item to be placed on the agenda must be received by the Board Chair or Superintendent seven days prior to the meeting date. The request can be sent to Pat Gerhardt at The request to present should clearly state the purpose and education reference. The Board Chair and the Superintendent will determine if the matter is pertinent to Board business. In an emergent situation where the timeline cannot be met, the Chair will determine whether or not the delegation can be accommodated.
The Board has a responsibility to conduct regular public meetings of the Board in an orderly and efficient fashion.
- Public comments are limited to five minutes, unless the delegation has been invited to speak by the Board or asked to present a final report. In all cases of invitation, the Board will advise a specific time-frame for the presentation. The Board will not permit critical or accusatory statements, about particular individuals or schools whether named or identifiable by the context.
- The Superintendent will inform the representative(s) making the presentation with regard to time, place and Board policy and procedures regarding presentations and delegations.
- If a decision on the issue by the Board is required subsequent to the presentation, the Superintendent will inform the individual or group of the Board meeting date where the issue will be debated and a decision made.
- Groups or individuals wishing to make presentations to the Board shall appoint one spokesperson to make the presentation and respond to questions. Other speakers may be recognized by the Chair. On matters where the public interest may be compromised by presenting the issue in public, the Board may move to an in camera session.
- The Board will not debate the matter presented at the meeting. Questions of clarification may directed through the Chair.
- The Board will normally refer a decision on a matter presented by a delegation to the next regular meeting of the Board.
- The Chair has the authority to exclude a person exhibiting improper conduct or to limit participation in order to maintain order and complete the business of the meeting.