Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools provides transportation to kindergarten students who attend and live 1km or more from their designated school.

What does "designated school" mean?
A designated school is one in which the Board has directed the student to attend; based on where they live (school attendance boundary) or by a program they are enrolled in. 

School Boundary
Each school within our Division has an attendance boundary.  These Attendance boundaries determine your designated school and can be found on our Division website.

Bus Stop Safety
To ensure the safety of our students all kindergarten and grade 1 students must be met at the bus by a parent. If the parent is not able to meet the bus you may designate an alternate who is approved by you to meet your child.  This pre-approval must be received in our office in writing 3-5 days prior to the adult arriving to meet the child.  If an adult is not at the bus stop when the bus arrives the child will remain on the bus and will be returned to the school to await the arrival of their parent or guardian.

Additional safety information can be found in the Transportation Bus Handbook

My family lives within the Walk Boundary of their designated school can my child ride the bus?

Walk boundaries around an Elementary school is 1 KM.  Your child may still be able to ride the bus by meeting a stop already on the route outside of the walk boundary to the school. A fee will apply.

Additional transportation information can be found in the Transportation Bus Handbook.  This Handbook is agreed to when you register your child to the bus.

Bus Registrations open in the April prior to the new school year.  You may access this form once you have logged into the Parent Portal and under Online Forms and requests, you will find the bus application form.  The 2021-2022 Application form will be available in Mid April.

Please note a transportation fee applies to all busing and the fees are determined each year prior to Bus registrations.

Funded Pre-K children if eligible are offered a parent drive contract.  This contract provides funds to help cover the costs of transporting your child to their school. Please note this funding is not available to those students that are considered non-funded.

Please contact transportation if you need help with the registration process or are in need of additional information. You may contact transportation via email at  or by phone 780-459-7711 and ask to speak with transportation.

Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools
Transportation Department


Parent Portal | Bus Handbook   | Transportation Email  |  School Attendance Boundaries