New Faith Theme Song

As you may recall, we have a new Three-Year Faith Theme that launched this fall - Growing in the Trinity: Love, Mercy and Grace, with each of the three years highlighting a different focus.

2023-24 Growing in Love, with the Father

  • With the Father, our Creator, who is the origin of love, we are inspired to share that love with one another. God is “Father”, which means I am a child of God; we are ALL called by name to grow in love toward one another (sub-themes: chosen, inclusivity, belonging, universality of God’s love).

2024-25 Growing in Mercy, with the Son

  • With the Son, Our Redeemer, as the icon of God’s mercy and forgiveness, we are called to show compassion, mercy and forgiveness to our neighbours. Mercy is when God forgives me. We are called to recognize our imperfections, seek God’s mercy, and show mercy toward others (sub-themes: humility, redemption, forgiveness, gratefulness).

2025-26 Growing in Grace, with the Spirit

  • With the Holy Spirit, Our Sanctifier, as the bestower of grace, we are called to open ourselves to the Spirit, to recognize the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and to grow in grace. Grace is when God gives me something I have not earned. We need to be open to the spirit and respond by sharing our gifts and graces with others (sub-themes: blessed, gifted, Fruit of the Holy Spirit, charisms).

After writing the song “Arise!” for our last faith theme, a few people asked if I would be writing one for our new theme.  I suppose it’s kind of become my thing now.  I recorded the new song at home on weekends and in the evening and had a long-time friend (a teacher with Edmonton Catholic Schools) give me a hand with mixing and mastering.  Here are links to the lyrics and the song, “Growing in the Trinity” (the song is also attached to this email). I hope you enjoy it and that it helps our schools animate our faith theme over these next three years.