Emergency Notice

Construction Update Affecting SACHS & VJM

As we prepare for the new school year, please be aware of ongoing construction around École Secondaire St. Albert Catholic High School and Vincent J. Maloney Catholic Junior High School. This work may impact your daily routines, especially during drop-off and pick-up times.

Key Points:

Utility replacement and road reconstruction work are scheduled through 2024.
Traffic will flow one-way through the parking lot; follow designated signage.
Parent drop-off/pick-up will be in front of VJM and SACHS only.
Expect delays and reduced parking; consider carpooling or using public transportation.

For full details, including detour maps and safety guidelines, visit this site: https://www.gsacrd.ab.ca/about-us/latest-news/post/construction-impacting-sachs-and-vjm

As we start a new school year, let us unite in prayer.

Our partners at GrACE (Graceful Advocates for Catholic Education) have planned a province-wide novena from Aug. 28 to Sept. 5.

A novena is an ancient tradition of devotional praying; it is a form of worship consisting of a special prayer repeated for nine successive days.

As prayer is at the heart of Catholic education, please join all stakeholders in Catholic Education across Alberta in praying this novena for a safe, healthy, and successful return to school.

> > > Download Novena (.pdf - 126 KB)