January 31, 2025
Students, Parents/Legal Guardians, and Staff,
Happy New Year, one and all! I hope that 2025 is off to a wonderful start for you and your families! It is astounding to me that we are halfway through the school year, and I am honoured to serve our students, staff, and families as our students grow in knowledge and faith, achieving all of which they are capable and more within our school communities in Legal, Morinville, and St. Albert.
It is a privilege to be able to reach out to you on the feast day of St. John Bosco, who is the patron saint of schoolchildren. It is important to note that while we venerate saints, or give them honour and respect, we do not worship them as worship is due to God alone. That said, saints can be powerful intercessors for our needs and intentions, or put quite simply, they can help give weight to our prayers as they advocate on our behalf. I will share a prayer to St. John Bosco at the end of this update. Read on…
PowerSchool Cybersecurity Incident
We created a PowerSchool Cybersecurity Updates webpage to inform families about the recent cybersecurity incident. This page will be updated regularly with the latest information as we receive it.
As part of our security precautions, a mandatory student password reset is being implemented for all GSACRD students’ Google accounts. Families can find details about the password reset schedule and other important updates on the PowerSchool Cybersecurity Updates page here.
We encourage all families to check the page regularly for the latest information.
Registration Now Open for New & Returning Students!
Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open for new and current students! Families can find all the details on the registration process by visiting GSACRD Registration Information.
It’s also open house season, an excellent opportunity to explore our schools, meet staff, and learn about the exceptional programs we offer. Find all open house dates and details here:
GSACRD Open House Dates.
We look forward to welcoming new and returning families as we continue to grow! If you have any questions, please contact your school.
PUF Spaces Available in Pre-Kindergarten Programs
If you have a child between 2.8 and 4.8 years of age (born in 2022 and 2021) who may need support in areas such as communication, language and behaviour challenges. Alberta Education provides Program Unit Funding (PUF) to assist in these areas. We invite you to complete our Parent Inquiry form to help determine if your child will qualify for funding. Once completed, our Early Learning Coordinator will contact you to learn more about your child.
Our Pre-K programs offer rich learning opportunities across all areas of development, helping children of all abilities become confident learners. We provide extensive support with Speech and Language Pathologists, Speech-Language Assistants, Occupational Therapists, Behaviour Consultants, Physiotherapists, and Educational Assistants.
If you are interested in enrolling your child in our Pre-K program or have any questions, please email our Early Learning team at prekinfo@gsacrd.ab.ca or call 780-459-7711, ext. 114. Please visit the Pre-Kindergarten website for further information.
Dual Credit Opportunities for High School Students
High school students can get a head start with Dual Credit courses! This program lets students earn both high school and post-secondary credits at the same time.
This semester, Sociology 1000 and Psychology 1040 will be offered through NorQuest College, with credits transferable to Grant MacEwan, Concordia, and the University of Alberta. To learn more or register, please contact your school principal.
- Register by: February 5, 2025
- Courses start: February 10 & 12, 2025
Learn more about the courses here.
Trustee Election: October 2025
The next general election for Greater St. Albert Catholic School Board Trustees is set for Monday, October 20, 2025. The Greater St. Albert Roman Catholic Separate School Division is governed by a dedicated board of elected trustees, each serving a four-year term. Our trustees are completing their term's final year (2021–2025).
For anyone interested in running in the next election, you can find information on our website related to the following topics:
- Information for Candidates
- Nomination Package Information
- Important Dates
- Division Maps
- More Information
To learn more about answering the call to the vocation of service as a Catholic School Board Trustee, click here.
Prayer and Blessings
When we offer a prayer to a saint, we ask them to serve as an intercessor, or to “put in a good word” on our behalf as our prayers are given to God. According to aleteia.org, St. John Bosco is “a powerful intercessor for all those in the field of education” and offers the following prayer which I would encourage you to pray when you have a moment:
St. John Bosco
Friend of the young,
Teacher in the ways of God,
Your dedication to empowering the needy inspires us still.
Help me to work for a better world,
where the young are given the chance to flourish,
where the poor’s dream for justice can come true,
and where God’s compassion is shown to be real.
Intercede for me as I bring my needs to you and to
our heavenly Mother, the Help of Christians.
I know that most of us will take all the help we can get…why not offer a prayer to a saint who can serve as an advocate on our behalf? If you are seeking information, I encourage you to visit https://www.catholic.org/saints/ to learn more about saints and angels! Thank you for entrusting your children to Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools. We endeavour to serve your children and families with love and hope every day! May God bless you and your families in 2025 and always!
In peace and joy,
Dr. Clint Moroziuk
Superintendent of Schools