June 27, 2024

Superintendent’s Update: Students, Parents/Legal Guardians, and Staff

Registration and Growth

We are thrilled to announce that our school division has already exceeded the enrolment numbers from the last school year! This incredible achievement is a testament to our staff's dedication and hard work, who continuously strive to provide an exceptional faith-filled learning environment in which our students feel welcome and loved.

We are immensely proud of our growth and the strong community we have built together. As we continue to welcome new families into our schools, we are reminded of each student's importance and unique contributions to our vibrant Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools community.

If you still need to register your returning student, please complete your registration for the upcoming school year. Your timely registration helps us plan and prepare to offer everyone the best possible educational experience.

Outstanding Literacy Results

We are excited to share that our division has continued to grow in literacy. We have completed the third year of our introduction to Structured Literacy in elementary schools, and all schools have demonstrated growth in reading achievement. Each grade demonstrates average to above-average reading scores in decoding, fluency, and comprehension. 

In cooperation with the University of Alberta, our schools participated in a Grade 4 and 5 reading intervention research project targeting students with persistent reading difficulties over the last three years. Early results have communicated that the project improved students' reading abilities by an additional year above normal development. We are so proud of the hard work of our students and the commitment to student success by our GSACRD administrators, teachers and educational assistants. 

Mobile Devices and Social Media Restrictions in Schools

On June 17, the Honourable Demetrios Nicolaides, Minister of Education, announced new restrictions on using personal mobile devices and access to social media platforms in Alberta schools. These changes, which will take effect on September 1, 2024, are designed to reduce distractions in the classroom, enhance learning time, support student mental health, and mitigate opportunities for cyberbullying. The restrictions apply to all devices capable of internet access or communication, including cellphones, tablets, laptops, and smartwatches.

Under the new guidelines, students will be prohibited from using personal mobile devices during instructional time. The ministerial order requires school authorities to have policies and/or procedures for using personal mobile devices and to limit access to social media on school networks and devices. According to each school authority's policies and procedures, devices must be kept silent or powered off and stored out of view. Additionally, students cannot access social media on school networks or devices. However, certain exceptions are made for health or medical reasons, special learning needs, and specific educational purposes, as determined by school principals.

More detailed information will be provided over the summer to ensure all families are well-informed and prepared for the upcoming school year. 

Report Cards

Report cards will be available by June 28th, 2024 and are accessible through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. As a reminder, here is how to locate a student’s report cards:

Please use an internet browser to access the PowerSchool Parent Portal, as the mobile app is incompatible. After logging in, find a list of navigation links on the left-hand side. At the bottom of this list, click the link labelled "report card" to proceed to the next screen.

After clicking the report card link, you can view the report card in PDF format. Additionally, there's an option to download the report card. Once downloaded, you can save or print a copy for your records. For visual guidance, you can watch this brief instructional video on accessing the report card: Report Card Video. 

If you have not created a PowerSchool Parent Portal account, please contact your child’s school for assistance.

Summer Blessings and Gratitude

It’s hard to believe we are at the conclusion of another wonderful school year. I would like to offer the following prayer from Xavier University (author David Johnson), calling us all to revel in the joy of summer:

Dear God,

Let us revel in summer.

Let us soak up the long days and warm sun.

May our feet walk on sandy beaches

and our heads rest on thick grass under blue skies.

May we listen to and marvel at the singing of the birds

and stop to watch blissful children at play

This summer, God, may our breathing slow and our hearts open.

God help us to be present to all that is

so that we might best see all that might be. Amen.

I would like to thank you for choosing Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools, whether you are a student, parent/guardian, or staff member. This division is indeed one brimming with joy and hope, and I am privileged to serve all of you as Superintendent. May God bless and keep each of you throughout the summer and always.

In Christ,

Dr. Clint Moroziuk
