Friday, September 1, 2023

Superintendent’s Update: Students, Parents/Legal Guardians, and Staff

Welcome back, students, staff, and families of Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools.  I am so excited about what this new school year has in store. Early indications are that our student population will grow for a second year in a row, which indicates that our communities are supportive of the direction we are headed as a division and feel that our schools are places of joy, love, and hope where we can all be proud and excited to learn and work. This year we launch a new Three-Year Faith Theme (more on that below), and yes, there will be a new song to go along with the theme. It is written and partially recorded…I will find some time to get into my basement and lay down the remaining tracks very soon! This new school year marks the election of a new Chair of our Board of Trustees. I know that she is very excited to begin her new role and overjoyed at the opportunity to serve the staff, students, and families in this capacity. Please read the Welcome Back Letter from Board Chair, Lydia Yeomans.

Three-Year Faith Theme - Growing in the Trinity: Love, Mercy and Grace

Annually the Division establishes a Faith Goal that reflects the strategic intent of the Division in achieving outcomes within the Three-Year Education Assurance Plan. Our Division faith theme helps to organize and guide the manner in which faith is animated within our school communities. Our faith theme celebrates the unique mission and identity of our Catholic school division and offers opportunities to inspire and engage students, families, and staff, enlivening our ongoing journey of faith with excitement, hope, and joy. It provides a focus for faith learning, spiritual development, community building, and service.

We are excited to launch the new Three-Year Faith theme during this school year - Growing in the Trinity: Love, Mercy & Grace with Sub-Themes:

  • 2023-24 Growing in Love, with the Father
  • 2024-25 Growing in Mercy, with the Son
  • 2025-26 Growing in Grace, with the Spirit

One of our teachers and artists, Tara Ricioppo, from Morinville Community High School, designed the artwork for the theme, which you will see within all of our division schools. Each panel of the hand-painted triptych aligns with the three sub-themes, incorporating a stained glass appearance, branded with our division colours.


During the summer, we ran a contest on social media asking students to create a unique GSACRD-saurus (dinosaur) to celebrate the individuality and talents of every student. We are excited to announce this year’s winner, Colby, from Ecole Notre Dame. Check out his design here - you'll likely see his work on branding during the school year. Good job Colby!

Division App Update

We are pleased to offer a District App free of charge for Android and Apple phones. The District App will provide easy access to the following: District Calendar, Bus Portal, PowerSchool, Safe Arrival, Healthy Hunger and your School News.

To find the App on the iTunes or Google Play store, search "Greater St. Albert Schools."

If you already have the App, make sure to update it to view the current year’s information.  You may need to refresh or delete and re-add the App to view the current information.

Communication with Families

You can expect to receive a Superintendent’s Update on the last Friday of every month throughout the school year.  We will endeavour to provide this consistently unless we need to share urgent or time-sensitive information.  We encourage you to follow us on social media and read your schools’ newsletters for weekly updates.

Prayer for the New School Year

Heavenly Father, we lift our hearts and voices to you in prayer, seeking your blessings and guidance for Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools' students, staff, and families as we embark on a new school year.  We are grateful for the opportunity to come together as a community of learners, educators, and believers.

In the spirit of unity and faith, we recall the words of the Holy Apostle Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians:

"For we are God's servants, working together; you are God's field, God's building."

Our Father in Heaven, we acknowledge that each student and staff member is a unique creation of yours, and together, we are your field and your building.  As we commence this school year, we humbly ask for your grace and wisdom to guide us in our mission of education, nurturing the minds, hearts, and spirits of our students.

Lord, grant our students the strength to overcome challenges, the curiosity to seek knowledge, and the compassion to care for and support one another.  Bless our teachers and staff with patience, creativity, and dedication, as they sow the seeds of wisdom, faith, joy, and hope in the hearts of our students.

May the love of Christ shine through our actions and words, creating an atmosphere of kindness, understanding, and respect within our school communities.  Help us to be beacons of your light, inspiring one another to grow in faith and knowledge.

We entrust this school year to your care, as we endeavour to grow in love, with you, the Father. In your loving arms, we know that we can weather any storm and navigate any challenge.  May your Holy Spirit be our constant companion, inspiring us to be the best versions of ourselves, both in the classroom and in life.

We offer this prayer in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate source of wisdom and knowledge. Amen.

Blessings to you and your families as we begin another wonderful year in Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools.  Have a safe and enjoyable long weekend!

In Christ,

Dr. Clint Moroziuk
